about me

My name is Nigel and I'm a theatre director, writer, graphic designer, teacher, and visual artist/photographer.
My original photographic work can be found here.
I'm also a collector of photography with an emphasis on 19th century genres and 20th snapshot/vernacular/found photographs. In between all that I have a growing collection of contemporary work, and work by more established photographic artists.
Here's a talk I recently gave at Grinnell College in Iowa as a gallery talk on the occasion of an exhibition of my collection at the Faulconer Gallery (it's about 24 minutes long).
I'm originally from South Africa, and currently live in Rochester, NY, where I'm fortunate to live in an historic house and serve as the Artistic Director of the International Theatre Program at the University of Rochester. Details of my theatrical life can be found here.
In my non-academic life, I am a founding member/staging director of the accalaimed new music ensemble, Alarm Will Sound.